Hannes Kartnik ? sagt am 15.05.2002 16:26 zu raskolnik ?: | Erster Beitrag | |
Vastic meine FreundRaskolnik \Ras*kol"nik\ (?), n.; pl. Raskolniki (#) or Raskolniks (#). [Russ. raskol'nik dissenter, fr. raskol dissent.] The name applied by the Russian government to any subject of the Greek faith who dissents from the established church. The Raskolniki embrace many sects, whose common characteristic is a clinging to antique traditions, habits, and customs. The schism originated in 1667 in an ecclesiastical dispute as to the correctness of the translation of the religious books. The dissenters, who have been continually persecuted, are believed to number about 20,000,000, although the Holy Synod officially puts the number at about 2,000,000. They are officially divided into three groups according to the degree of their variance from orthodox beliefs and observances, as follows: I. "Most obnoxious." the |
- Bürgerwehr - gamma lex ® - 14.05.2002 23:58
- vorwaerts gegen rechts?? - raskolnik ? - 15.05.2002 12:17
- Vastic meine Freund - Hannes Kartnik ? - 15.05.2002 16:26 «- Aktueller Beitrag
- Re: Vastic meine Freund - raskolnik ? - 15.05.2002 19:14
- Re: Bürgerwehr - purkersdorferin 1 ? - 15.05.2002 09:21
- Re: Bürgerwehr - KP-Blockwart ? - 15.05.2002 11:50
- Re: Brückenwehr - genesis ? - 15.05.2002 14:25
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