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Hannes Kartnik ? sagt am 15.05.2002 16:41 zu rasumichin ?:Erster Beitrag

Vastic mein Freund

One example: Raskolnikov [in "Crime and Punishment"], shortly after his murderous rampage, staggers around his city, utterly without purpose—or so he thinks—driven by hostility to all human associations. "Every encounter aroused his loathing, the faces of people were as abhorrent as their gestures and their movements…When he arrived at the quay of the Neva on Vasilievsky island, he stood upon the bridge. ‘Here’s where he lives, in this very house,’ thought Raskolnikov, ‘but I have not come here of my own accord to Rasumichin!’"…Who can read this chapter through without being struck by its precise rendering of "post-hypnotic suggestion"? (SW 1 p. 233)


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